The Process
In order to change your marital property system, you need to obtain consent from the High Court.
- Simply contact us by e-mail and supply your contact details and date of marriage.
- Receive our confirmation letter, relevant information and invoice.
- Effect payment of the required deposit by EFT or direct deposit and send us proof by e-mail.
- Receive our draft contracts (for both options) and choose your preferred option. Inform us of your choice and any desired amendments by e-mail.
- We will call you to discuss your choice and confirm the amendments you wish to make. We will finalise your Postnuptial Contract accordingly, and proceed to draft the required affidavits for you and your spouse.
- We will request any additional required information by e-mail and e-mail you the drafts in PDF format for your perusal and signature.
- We will arrange for the documents to be picked-up by courier in order to be enrolled
- Once the Court Order has been granted, the Postnuptial Contract will be sent off for registration.
We will keep you updated as the registration process progresses, until we received the registered Postnuptial Contract back from the Registrar of Deeds. We will then scan and e-mail you a copy of the registered contract, before we mail the original to you.
Quick, Easy & Efficient...
Our Fees
Our all-inclusive fee for:
High Court Application ....................................R8,500
Advocate Fees .................................................R1,750
Postnuptial Contract & Registration ...............R2,500
TOTAL (excluding any advertisements) ......R12,750